mamo KogiIn order to help, you need only the heart, the mind – and possibly the crystal.

Meeting with the Kogi Indians was a surprise for us. At a time when we had a planned program with Mayan elders, we happened to learn that the Kogi were going to be in the Czech Republic at the same time. We tried to approach Šárka Dominová, who created a program for Mamo Manuel’s family. We explained to her our vision of passing wisdom and meeting the elders with each other and to our astonishment, two dates really came up for the Maya and the Kogi to meet – one was on September 20, 201á in Okoř and the other on the autumn equinox on September 22-23, 2018 at the castle Lichnice.

For us, the possibility of meeting was a confirmation that when things are supposed to happen, they come by themselves, even unexpectedly. And at the same time it was a confirmation of Xolotl’s vision of linking the countries of the Heart of the Eagle, the Heart of the Condor and the Heart of the Europe. At Okoř as well as Lichnice met the Maya from the country of the Heart of the Eagle (who include also the Aztec Xolotl), the Kogi from the country of the Heart of the Condor and we Czechs from the Heart of Europe.

Kogi na OkoriThe meeting with Mamo Manuel’s family was very strong. The whole family radiated tranquility, respect. There was a debate between the Indians and the participants at Okoř, but first it was as if it was necessary to slow down themselves and their thoughts to the level of the Kogi. Mamo Manuel spoke in his original language Kagaba, his son-in-law translated into Spanish and from Spanish his words got to us in Czech. Interpretation took a long time and there was no choice but to surrender to the flow. Mamo Manuel asked about our big river that rises in the Šumava mountains in the Black Lake. None of the participants knew, but when we then took a good look at the map, we found out that the longest river in our country is the one that rises above the Devil’s Lake and then flows through Úhlava, Berounka, Vltava and Labe to the North Sea.

Kogi na LichniciThe participants asked about Mother Earth’s state and how we can help. We could see how the Kogi work with the mind, the heart – and possibly the crystals daily. They perform so called pagamento ceremonies that might take only a few minutes. It is enough when you fully focus your mind and heart for example on cleansing your energy – which the Kogi do every time they enter their home. It is possible to concentrate on cleansing the place or return of Mother Earth to harmony. Another variant is a pagamento with a crystal, where the information is recorded in the crystal. Together we did a pagamento for water and gave the crystals the information that there is plenty of clean water for everyone. Mamo Manuel then promised to put the crystals in our big river. For a detailed description of pagamento for water, see the section Sources of Wisdom.

Equinox meetings at Lichnice Castle happened in a similar fashion. Mamo Manuel was talking about the Kogi mythology and performed pagamentos for cleansing the place or for strengthening female energy with the participants. When the second day pagamento finished, a heavy downpour began. „Pagamento has been successfully accomplished, the rain is a confirmation,“ said Mamo Manuel and the whole Equinox program ended with this heavy rain. We experienced communication with the elements on our own.