tata Juan a nana Lucia

Hands that heal, hands that offer, words that speak to the Heart of Heaven, to the Heart of the Earth.

A precious visit of Mayan grandfather and grandmother in the Czech Republic, in the heart of Europe.

From 20.9. to 1.10.2018 we had the opportunity to meet two Mayan elders from the Quiché tribe, Tata Juan Leon and Nana Lucia Raymundo. Tata Juan and Nana Lucia come from Guatemala, from the area in which the original traditions of Mayan culture are preserved and practiced daily. Today, Tata and Nana live in Mexico, linking the Mayan traditions of these two countries.

Grandfather Juan and Grandmother Lucia conducted five ceremonies during their stay – a ceremony for protection, a gratitude ceremony, a ceremony for the Equinox Day, as well as ceremonies for healing and for women. In two lectures, they offered a look at the Maya cosmic vision, symbols and ways of healing. And last but not least, they gave individual healing therapies.

Everyone certainly took away something else that appealed to them personally. But for organizers, I can say that even staying in the presence of these two wise people was unique, thanks to the kindness and humbleness that radiated from them at any moment. In the lectures they talked mainly about the Mayan calendar, the system of 20 energies which they use as a kind of navigation map, a guide to life. It is a heritage of the ancestors that refers to the sacred cycles of energies that affect our lives in accordance with the cycles of the Planet Earth and the Universe. The lectures are filmed and you can watch them in the section Sources of Wisdom.

During the ceremonies, we were part of a ritual fire ceremony. It is very difficult to describe the course of the ceremonies, and each of the participants would perhaps tell you a slightly different story that they themselves experienced. We experienced respect for the four cardinal points and their respective elements. Respect for Mother Earth and Father Sun. We learned the sacrifice to the fire and through it to twenty energies of the Mayan calendar, which were summoned and asked for healing, cleansing and support. All participants were cleansed with fragrant herbs. We could see communication with Nature at any moment when Tata and Nana were still watching closely how the fire, sudden sky brightness, gusts of wind or audience reactions spoke to them. For everyone, a different part of the ceremony was important, according to what their life is currently pulsing with. But we shared a feeling of gratitude, connection and belonging.